Minister of Prayer

Kimberly Tatum serves as Minister of Prayer here at Grace Fellowship Church. Kimberly was an ordained minister and elder prior to coming to Grace so once she became a member she immediately stepped into serving here as well.


Kimberly and her entire family (husband Jerome and 5 sons JaKeal, JaQuan, JaDarrien, JaTavin and Christian) have served in many capacities and in any area needed, establishing our Angel Tree prison ministry, co-directing our K.I.C.K.S. (Kids In Christ’s Kingdom Serving) Ministry, ushering, our homeless feeding program, VBS, children's church, 3Degrees teen ministry, Power of a Story Women’s Ministry and our Ignite Prayer Gathering Ministry.


The Lord graced Kimberly to write and publish her first book, The Fruit of Prayer, in 2007 after a 3-year study of prayer and pouring into her revelations that transformed her life. When the opportunity arose for Kimberly to step in as the Director of Ignite Prayer she was blessed to do so. When asked to serve as Prayer Minister she humbly accepted. 


Kimberly views intercessory prayer as an opportunity to spend time with the Lord, to be a true witness of the love of God the Father, to bear witness first hand of the power of the Holy Spirit, and to be an intimate witness of the infallible words of the Lord Jesus Christ being manifested in the lives of His people. To Kimberly, prayer is one of the most precious gifts the Lord has granted to us His children, and it brings her nothing but joy to witness the Lord our God showing Himself strong and mighty; as only He can, as He hears and responds to the cries of His people.